
The photovoltaic system in your company

With regard to climate change and the associated reduction in CO2 emissions, a photovoltaic system on your own company premises not only offers economic advantages for your company, but also makes it visible as a progressive and environmentally conscious company .



A solar system saves tons of CO2 per year and gives your company a green image


You keep your operating costs low by being independent of traditional energy providers


In companies with high self-consumption, the investment pays for itself after 5-6 years and provides free electricity for up to 30 years


High returns through low production costs (from 5ct / kWh) and an increase in the value of your property

Solutions for trade and companies.

Duka 700kwp

Industrial companies and companies

For companies with a high level of self-consumption, PV systems are interesting in order to achieve possible self-sufficiency. In addition, you save energy costs for many years after the amortization and you also have the option of using vacant space economically and sustainably.


Agricultural plants

Theroofs of large farms are often unused and are particularly suitable for a PV system. We would be happy to advise you on a possible implementation andthus help you to find an economically best solution with maximum profit.

Aichner 6,00kwp

Private customers and single-family homes

The increasing energy requirements of charging stations for e-cars and other electrical installations can be ideally covered with a photovoltaic system. Systems for the private sector are economically viable even without storage and pay for themselves after just a few years.

Kondominium Hofern

Condominiums and housing sector

Roof areas of condominiums and rental houses are particularly predestined for solar power systems. If you need help with billing, administration and planning, our experience makes us the right partner for your project.


Design and construction

You pay the investment costs, we take care of the rest. You decide what happens to the electricity.

Rent out your roof

We bear the investment costs and take care of the rest. You benefit from a lucrative rental income and a continuously low electricity price.

Signal your responsible behavior for the environment

We offer you many different models so that you can benefit from solar power. You simply provide us with your space for a photovoltaic system and decide what should happen with the electricity generated. Whether you use it yourself, we will recycle it, or both is entirely up to you.

Rent a roof and generate secure rental income.

Solar energy for businesses and communities


Whether on your open space or on your roof - we will find the best photovoltaic solution for you.


You have no technical or economic risks, because we bear them


You participate in the expansion of renewable energies and thus set an example for climate protection.

Make your company green!